Platfirm. How Platform Disruption is Redefining the way Business is Conducted
Platfirm is a new term that emerged with the most recent developments of the application of platform thinking. The term “platfirm” is the fusion of “platform” and “firm”. It refers to a new approach that looks at organisations through the metaphor of the “platform”. This is a [...]
Elezioni Politiche 2018 – Il voto in Irlanda e all’Estero
Il Viminale ha diffuso oggi i dati, non ancora definitivi ma già certi, del voto degli italiani all’estero. Ecco come sono andate le elezioni Politiche Italiane tra gli elettori Italiani all’estero, in Europa e in Irlanda. In controtendenza rispetto al voto nazionale sono in maggior parte del centrosinistra i nuovi [...]
Inner Hebrides Archipelago Trip
The Hebridean island of Erraid has been home to a small group of members of the Findhorn Foundation for almost 40 years. Living life on a remote Scottish island brings them to the forefront of experiencing nature at it’s rawest, which allows them to hold a deeper connection to the land, the ocean, the weather and the spirit that [...]
La Spesa Sociale in Italia e in Irlanda. Un Impietoso Confronto.
La spesa sociale italiana è la più ingiusta d’Europa. Vivendo in Irlanda il confronto tra Italia e Irlanda fa ancora più emergere le differenze e l’ingiustizia sociali italiane. Mentre in Irlanda (come nel resto d’Europa) la spesa pubblica è equamente divisa tra anziani, giovani, famiglie, disoccupati, etc. in Italia il 77,2% [...]
Thought Leadership in B2B Companies
In a B2B highly dynamic environment clients require to understand the issues, have a qualified opinion and provide guidance. With this an innovative company can credibly take a position at an industry level and, in doing so, showcase skills, expertise and ability to deliver on requirements. There is immense scope in terms of [...]
2018: the year of Account Based Marketing (ABM)
As one of the most talked-about strategies in B2B marketing, account-based marketing is rapidly changing the way we think about marketing at scale. But what is it? And why is it driving so much conversation? Account-based marketing (ABM) is a strategy that uses a suite of tools and processes to create personalised campaigns [...]